Wednesday 11 April 2007

Tate Modern


This morning was really boring, we just did nothing, i went in the garden and Tilly did her mental maths homework.Oh yes, i just remembered, i also found the key to Esme and Milo's house, well, Tilly found the key "under my bed". I still thing that she must have hidden it somewhere because yesterday, me and Anne-Lise searched abosolutely EVERYWHERE, we even moved all the furniture in my room and too the matress off the bed! Well, at least, poor old Tortie won't starve to death now! Well Daddy suggested that instead of "lolling around" all day, Anne-Lisse, Tilly and i should all go out to a museum or something. After a long conversation over where we should go, we decided on the Tate Modern. I have been there a few times but i hope it will be fun!

.... oooO..............
...Anna! waz!

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